Dr. Megan E. ConnorsAssociate ProfessorEmail: mconnors@gsu.edu
My research uses jets to probe the quark gluon plasma (QGP). The QGP is a hot dense liquid of quarks and gluons, which existed immediately after the Big Bang and can be recreated in high-energy heavy ion collisions. We helped build the hadronic calorimeter for a new experiment called sPHENIX at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. To learn more about sPHENIX read: sPHENIX sPHENIX started collecting data in 2023. After sPHENIX completes its physics goals, RHIC will be transformed into an Electron Ion Collider. We are members of the ePIC collaboration which will use the sPHENIX hadronic calorimeter as the barrel HCal and similar technology for the forward HCal which we will also contribute to developing. |
Department of Physics & Astronomy
GSU Office: (404) 413-6143