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Getting started
eRD14 Consortium: An integrated program for particle identification (PID) for a future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) detector
The EIC PID consortium (eRD14) has been formed to develop an integrated program for particle identification (PID) for a future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) detector, for which excellent particle identification is an essential requirement. For instance, identification of the hadrons in the final state is needed for understanding how different quark flavors contribute to the properties of hadrons, and reliable identification of the scattered electron is important for covering kinematics where pion backgrounds are large. The PID systems also have the greatest overall impact on the layout of the central detector, and put important constraints on the magnetic field. It is thus essential to conduct the relevant R&D at an early stage of the development of a complete EIC detector. In addition to providing solutions addressing the broader EIC requirements, the PID consortium has worked closely with BNL and JLab to ensure that the specific R&D projects are compatible with the detector concepts that are being pursued there.
To address the different requirement associated with the three different parts of the detector (ion-beam direction, electron-beam direction, and central region), the consortium is pursuing R&D on (and requesting funding for) three different technologies for imaging Cherenkov detectors: a dual-radiator (gas/aerogel) RICH for the hadron endcap, a high-performance DIRC for the barrel region, a modular aerogel RICH (mRICH) for the electron endcap (which could also be used in the hadron endcap in conjunction with a single-radiator gas RICH such as the one developed by eRD6). A 4π time-of-flight (TOF) coverage is also needed for PID in the momentum range below the Cherenkov threshold and for bunch identification (which is important for ring-ring colliders with a high repetition rate), for which the consortium has performed R&D on mRPC and MCP-PMT based TOF systems.
Central Barrel
Outgoing Hadron-Side Endcap
Outgoing Electron-Side Endcap
Timing and Slow-Particle PID
Photosensors and Electronics
Sensor Requirements
Parameter DIRC mRICH Dual-Radiator RICH Gain ~106 ~106 ~106 Timing Resolution ≤ 100 ps ≤ 800 ps ≤ 800 ps Pixel Size 2-3 mm ≤3 mm ≤ 3 mm Dark Noise ≤ 1kHz/cm2 ≤ 5MHz/cm2 ≤ 5MHz/cm2 Radiation Hardness Yes Yes1 Yes1 Single-photon mode operation? Yes Yes Yes Magnetic-field immunity? Yes (1.5–3 T) Yes (1.5–3 T) Yes (1.5–3 T) Photon Detection Efficiency ≥ 20% ≥ 20% ≥ 20%
eRD14 Reports
In this section, a collection of the eRD14 related documents which includes proposal, report, and presentation, are listed.
- EIC PID (eRD14) Proposal FY17
- EIC PID Progress Report Dec. 2016
- All eRD FY17 Proposal/Reports and Committee Comments
- Cheuk-Ping Wong, Performance Study of a Prototype Modular RICH Detector for EIC Experiments, APS DNP Meeting 2016, Vancouver, BC, Canada.