RICH software and analysis
source code location
mRICH in JLEIC det1
dRICH in JLEIC det1
running simulation and analysis
general instruction running GEMC on ifarm at
run code in graphic mode on ifarm
The code to run farm jobs are at /work/eic/sim/eic_gemc/JLAB_VERSION_1.3/RICH
run "./LongRun_sim" and Give the start run number as 1, then Give the end run number 100. 100 jobs will be launched.
The main code is in ""
simulation data location
They are at jlab disk location
dir /work/eic/sim/eic_gemc/JLAB_VERSION_1.3/RICH/ subdir output1/ (1st try) output2/ (2nd try, dRICH refraction index change,mRICH has no change) output3/ (3rd try, pythia fix negative particles, put weight at var8) subsubdir pythia6_nofield/out.*.root pythia6_yesfield/out.*.root flat_nofield/out.*.root flat_yesfield/out.*.root
simulation files have both RICH each pythia6 file has 1e3 events and about 1GB size each flat file has 1e4 events and about 1GB size pythia6 events has no selection of channels flat events include pi,kaon,proton in each events
The easiest way would be running your analysis script at jlab ifarm to process the data Or you have to download them by using scp from with your jlab account or via globus (about 2x faster with some setup effort)
working at jlab ifarm
ssh -X
ssh -X ifarm
source /group/eic/eic_svn/set_eic (this set up env for simulation including a root)
cd /work/eic/(your_jlab_username)